Read our Privacy Policy
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Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport Privacy Policy
Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport are fully committed to protecting the rights and privacy of all individuals and operate in accordance with the statutory legislation outlined. In doing so Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport have mechanisms and procedures in place to protect the privacy and confidentiality of all personal data. Any decisions for the disclosure, retention or disposal of information are made in line with the legislation.

Our Privacy Policy contains information about what personal details we collect; what we do with that information; whom we may share it with and your choices and rights when it comes to the personal information you have given us.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or the information we collect or use about you, please contact;

Rory Thomas
Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport,
Unit B1, Farringdon Business Park, Lower Farringdon, GU34 3DZ.

Telephone: 01420 588601 or Email:

Our principles

As the lawful and correct treatment of personal data is critical to our successful operations and to maintaining confidence, Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport is committed to operate in line with the data protection principles by:

Information we collect

In the management of the organisation and in the delivery of our services Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport receive information from our customers generating a range of data. We take your privacy seriously and we will only ever collect and use information which is personal to you where it is necessary to do so. We will collect and use your information only where we require it. We may collect personal information directly from you, and from a variety of sources, including:

If you do not wish us to collect and use this information in these ways, it may mean that we will be unable to provide you with our services.

Data recordingg

The data we receive can be recorded within Access Delta (Warehouse Management System), haulier web portals (data entry portal for creating a collection and delivery request), QuickBooks (Accountancy software), Office 365 and the company network (recording Collection signatures, POD’s and goods in paperwork, software encrypted).

Dash Camera – members of the public have the right to make a Subject Access Request to view the footage which contains their image. We will action data requests within a maximum timescale of 28 days. This includes:

Within the business address we use external CCTV only to detect/deter intruders. There is a sign on the entrance of the estate so that any person entering is aware of the CCTV in operation. Our retention policy is for 28 days. Any person whose image is recorded on the CCTV system has the right to seek and be supplied with a copy of their own personal data from the footage. Written or verbal request is required to release this data. The CCTV footage may be shared with third parties in the event of an accident on site.

Data Handling and who we share your information with

The information recorded is not passed on to any third party who does not have the right to access it. On this basis in the handling of data Data Collection aspires to:

We will never sell your details to someone else. Whenever we share your personal information, we will do so in line with our obligations to keep your information safe and secure.

Reporting procedure

Any member of staff is required to report any allegation in relation to the unlawful treatment of personal data to the Managing Director. Staff and any other relevant third party should report any allegation to the Managing Director in accordance with the Data Collection Complaints Procedure via letter, email or telephone call. If a 3rd party believes any of the following has occurred an allegation should be made:

Where required, Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport will take appropriate action/corrective measures against the above. Personal data breach will be reported to the relevant supervisory authority within 72 hours of becoming aware of the breach, where feasible.

How we protect your information

We take information and system security very seriously and we strive to comply with our obligations always. Any personal information which is collected, recorded or used in any way, whether on paper or online, will have appropriate safeguards applied in line with our data protection obligations.

Your information is protected by controls designed to minimise loss or damage through accident, negligence or deliberate actions.

How long we keep your information

We will keep your personal information only where it is necessary while you use our services. We may also keep your information after this period but only where it is required to meet our legal or regulatory obligations. The length of time we keep your information for these purposes will vary depending on the obligations we need to meet.

Right to be informed

You have a right to receive clear and easy to understand information on what personal information we have, why and who we share it with – we do this in our Privacy Policy and privacy notices. Individuals have the right to be informed about the collection and use of their personal data. We will provide privacy information to individuals at the time we collect the data from them. We will regularly review, and where necessary, update your privacy information.

Right of access

You have the right of access to your personal information. If you wish to receive a copy of the personal information we hold. You can make a subject access request either verbally or in writing. It can also be made to any part of the organisation and does not have to be to a specific person or contact point. We will send access request details without undue delay and at the latest within 28 days of receipt.

Right to request personal data be rectified

You have the right to have your personal data corrected if it is inaccurate under Article 16. You may also be able to have incomplete personal data completed – although this will depend on the purposes for the processing. This may involve providing a supplementary statement to the incomplete data.

Right to request erasure

You can ask for your information to be deleted or the ‘right to be forgotten’ or removed if there is not a compelling reason for Thomas (Hampshire) Ltd and Southern Storage & Transport to continue to have it. Individuals can make the request verbally or in writing and we will respond within 28 days. The right is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances. Data removal of hardcopy records will be via secure, confidential document shredding services.

Right to restrict processing

Individuals can ask that we block or suppress the processing of your personal information for certain reasons in certain circumstances. This means that we are still permitted to keep your information – but only to ensure we don’t use it in the future for those reasons you have restricted. We will never use your data for direct marketing. You can make an objection verbally or in writing and we will respond within 28 days from the date of receipt.

Right to data portability

The right to data portability allows individuals to obtain and reuse their personal data for their own purposes across different services. You can ask for a copy of your personal information for your own purposes. This allows you to move, copy or transfer personal data easily from one IT environment to another in a safe secure manner, without affecting its usability. The right only applies to information an individual has provided to a controller.

Monitoring and review

Thomas (Hampshire) and Southern Storage & Transport have in place a standardised and systematic monitoring process to ensure the relevance of this policy. In addition, any data which is collected which relates to the implementation of this policy will be used to inform the ongoing management of our organisation and delivery of qualifications. This policy will be reviewed when legislation changes, or supporting data identifies that a review is required sooner.

Southern Storage & Transport Warehouse and Fulfilment Solutions
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