Cosmetic and Personal Care at Southern Storage

Cosmetic and Personal Care at Southern Storage

The Cosmetics and Personal Care market has continued to show year on year growth, with over 500 million European consumers using cosmetic and personal care products. This is due to the continued increase in disposable income and rising living standards. This demand has driven further development within the industry. It is apparent that consumers are willing to buy higher priced beauty products. At Southern Storage & Transport we will adopt specific strategies and work very closely with you. We can provide logistics and supply chain management to outsource elements of your distribution and fulfilment choosing to concentrate on your core business. Cosmetic raw material and personal care products require specialised facilities, delivery solutions and a secure robust procedure for handling and recording that data. We offer a full range of storage and logistic services to support you and your customers. This includes UK, Europe and worldwide shipping services with delivery and distribution by road, sea and air, along with reverse logistics options. Our services are bespoke to your requirements and that of your customers. We provide the following services:
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